Jesus Meets the People


Philip Gordon

© Philip Gordon 2001. You are welcome to download and reproduce these articles for personal or in-house use but not for publication without prior approval.


The Call of the Fishermen
A paralysed man at Bethesda
Ordinary followers
A paralysed man
A man with a withered arm
A rich young ruler (not yet complete)
The widow of Nain
Jesus and the disciples, part 1
Jesus and the disciples, part 2
Honour your father and mother
The Garden of Gethsemane
Herod Antipas
John the Baptist

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The above articles were written during 1999, 2000, 2001 except where dates of updates are shown.


© Philip Gordon 2001. You are welcome to download and reproduce these articles for personal or in-house use but not for publication without prior approval.